This is Local 213’s Work Information for Friday, August 23rd.

The Weld shop is open by appointment only. Please contact Jamie Profit at (506) 333-8542 to make an appointment.

Any members that would like Pre-Clearance for Point Lepreau, please contact the hall.

The Labour Day Parade will take place on Monday, September 2nd.  We will be meeting at the corner of Charlotte and Broad Street by 11:00am.  The parade will end at Area 506 before 12:00pm.  There will be a free BBQ to follow at Rockwood Park starting at 12:30pm, between the A-Frame and and the playground.  They will have bouncy castles for the kids, so bring your family. Everyone is welcome to participate.  Please advise the hall if your available to volunteer.

1st call is for Sunny Corner at Pt. Lepreau;  they require:

* 7 Instrument Tech Journeyman

Starting as soon as CSIS is cleared at 7:30am. Duration is 6 months plus, and they are working 5×8’s , 7:30am -3:30pm Monday-Friday.  This work is under the NMA Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site.

2nd call is for Lorneville at Fab Shop Whitebone Way; they require:

* 2 Journeyman Pipefitters

Starting Monday Aug. 26th , at 7:30am Duration is 4 Weeks. Will be and they are working 7:30-4:00 Mon-Fri, with possible overtime and possible night shift . This work is under the Fab Shop Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site.

3rd call is for Sunny Corner at IOL Refinery; they require:

* 2 Journeyman Pipefitters *1 Pipefitter Apprentice

Starting Monday Sept. 9th Nights, at 7:00pm.  Duration is approx 4 weeks Will be working 10 hours shifts, 40 hours; until the outage then switching to 60 hours. This work is under the NMA Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site. A D&A test is required.

4th call is for Cam at Irving Oil Refinery; they require:

*1 Journeyman Pipefitter

Starting Wednesday Sept. 11th Nights, at 7:30pm.  Duration is unknown.   Will be working 10 hours shifts, 40 hours plus; until the TA then switching to 60 hours. This work is under the GPMA Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site. A D&A test is required.

5th call is for Cam at Irving Oil Refinery; they require:

*6 Journeyman Pipefitter *3 Pipefitter Apprentice  * 2 Welders to test on F3/F4;F6/F5 * 2 Welders to test on F3/F4;F6/F4

*1 Welder to test on F3/F4

Starting Wednesday Sept. 18th Days, at 7:30am.  Duration is unknown.   Will be working 10 hours shifts, 40 hours plus; until the TA then switching to 60 hours. This work is under the GPMA Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site. A D&A test is required.

6th call is for Cam at Irving Oil Refinery; they require:

*8 Journeyman Pipefitters *3 Pipefitter Apprentices * 2 Welders to test on F3/F4;F6/F5 *2 Welders to test on F3/F4;F6/F4 * 2 Welders to test on F3/F4 Inconel * 5 Welders to test on F3/F4.

Starting Wednesday Sept. 18th Nights, at 7:30pm.  Duration is unknown.   Will be working 10 hours shifts, 40 hours plus; until the TA then switching to 60 hours. This work is under the GPMA Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site. A D&A test is required.

Any local members interested in these calls, please contact the hall Monday morning between 8 and 10 a.m.

Thank you & Have a Great Weekend!