This is Local 213’s Work Information for Monday, November 4th

The Weld shop is open by appointment only. Please contact Jamie Profit at (506) 333-8542 to make an appointment.

Any members that would like Pre-Clearance for Point Lepreau, please contact the hall.

1st call is for Sunny Corner at IOL Refinery they require:

*1 Journeyman Pipefitter

Starting Nov. 18th Days 7:30am.  Duration is approx. 2 weeks plus. Will be working 10 hour shifts, 40 hours per week. THis work is under the NMA Agreement . Tube Bending test is required. Must be clean shaven and fit tested, must have all safety training up to date, and a D&A test is required.

Any local members interested in this call, please contact the hall Tuesday morning between 8-10am.

Thank you & Have a Great Evening!