This is Local 213’s Work Information for Thursday, February 8th.

The regular monthly meeting will be held Wednesday Feb. 14th at 7:00pm at the legion branch 69 located at 714 Wilson Street west.

Anyone looking to update their CWB please contact the Hall.

The Weld shop is open by appointment only. Please contact Jamie Profit (506) 333-8542 to make an appointment.

There will be a Fall Protection course held at the hall, the date is to be determined. Any members interested please contact the hall to get registered.

1st call for Sunny Corner at Point Lepreau they require:

*4 Journeyman Pipefitters. 2 for Days; for Nights.

*4 F3/F4 Welders. 2 for days ; 2 for Nights –  to test on BWXT’S Welding procedures: TIG P1-P1. Test date TBD.

Starting Monday March. 25th. Duration approx. 8-10 weeks. Shift start & end times and break schedule TBD.  Shifts will be 5×8’s with OT as required for hall and site training. Shifts during the outage with be 6×10’s for site setup, and 6×12’s for execution. This work is under the PLGS NMA Agreement. Everyone will start on days and then transfer to nights. Work is in the RB, there will be work in plastic suits (SCBA) This call is for the Boiler Drain line & Rocky Mountain Fitting for BWXT. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date.

2nd call is for Sunny Corner at Point Lepreau they require:

*2 Journeyman Pipefiitters for Day shift

*1 F3/F4 Welder for Day Shift – to test on 6 weld procedures required by NBP. Test date TBD.

Starting Monday, March 25th. Duration approx. 6-8 weeks .  Before the outage will be working 7:00am-3:00pm  Mon-Friday with no afternoon break. OT and weekend work may be required based on owner’s requirements. During the outage will be working 6×12’s except for leading up to the outage, training and demob, the shifts will be 5×8’s.  Additional overtime may be required depending on the owner’s requirements. Hours of work during the outage will be as per NBPN’s hours of work policy.  There may be a requirement to reduce the shift to 8 hrs during the outage if there is down time.  Shifts during Outage will run from 7:30-7:30. There will be no vacation time during the outage. Must be clean shaven and fit tested, must have all safety training up to date.

3rd call is for Cam at the Irving Oil Refinery they require:

*1 Journeyman Pipefitter Days

Starting Monday, Feb. 12th 7:30am. Duration is approx 1 week.  Will be working 4×10’s, 40 hours plus possible overtime.  Must be able to climb and work from heights. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and a D&A test is required.

Any local members interested in these calls please contact the hall Friday morning between 8-10 am.

Thank You & Have a Great Evening!