This is Local 213’s Work Information for Friday, June 7th.
The regular monthly meeting will be cancelled for the month of June, and will reconvene Wednesday July 10th.
The Weld shop is open by appointment only. Please contact Jamie Profit (506) 333-8542 to make an appointment.
Any members who require updated safety courses, please contact the hall to get registered.
Local 213’s annual summer picnic will be held on Saturday, July 27th from 12:00pm – 4:00pm at the Glen Carpenter Center, 730 Foster Thurston Drive. Please contact the hall to get registered. We are also looking for volunteers if your available to lend a hand please advise the hall when registering.
1 call for Lorneville at Pulp and Paper Mill (ETP Site ) they require:
* 1 Journeyman Pipefitter
Starting Tuesday June 11th Days 7:00am. Duration is 2 Months and they will be working 4×10’s, Mon-Thurs. This work is under the Industrial Agreement. Must be clean shaven and fit tested. Must have all safety training up to date and complete all orientation and hire on paperwork before reporting to site.
Any local members interested in this call, please contact the hall Monday morning between 8-10am.
Thank You & Have a Great Weekend!