This is Local 213’s work information for Tuesday, January 21st.

It is with great sadness that we announce local member Jacques Pitre passed away on January 13th, 2025. There are no funeral arrangements made yet.  We will update the details when they become available.

The weld shop is open by appointment only. Please contact Jamie Profit at (506) 333-8542 to make an appointment.

CWB Testing will be held at the hall on Jan. 31st at 8:00 a.m. Anyone interested, please contact the hall to reserve a booth.

The Kennebacasis Lions Club will be holding their 27th Annual Pub Auction on Friday, February 7th, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Bill Maguire Center. We will have 10 tickets available. If your interested, please call the hall by Friday, January 24th. If there are more than 10 people interested, we will do a draw on Monday, Jan 27th.

1st call is for Lorneville at Irving Pulp and Paper Mill (Mill Street West). They require:

3 F3/F4 Welders to test on Stainless Tig and Carbon Stick and 1 Welding Apprentice

Starting Monday, Jan. 27th, @ 7:00am. Duration: 1-2 weeks with possible extension. Will be working 4×10’s, Monday-Thursday. This work will be under the Industrial Agreement. Must be clean-shaven and fit-tested; must have all safety training up to date. Must complete online orientation before reporting to site. 

Any local members interested in this call, please contact the hall on Wednesday between 8 and 10 a.m.

Thank you & Have a Great Evening.